Business Services

Every organization, regardless of size or industry, faces an external environment with finite resources at its disposal. Knowledge Capital Group [KCG] is a transformation consultancy that partners with executive teams across industries to provide data-driven insight and actionable strategies that help drive business performance. KCG consultants lean on their experience in software, manufacturing, distribution, consumer and industrial products, financial services, and real estate development to bring forward novel approaches that transcend industries, support customizable solutions, and drive results.

By focusing on a company’s greatest strengths, thinking big, and making tough choices, KCG helps clients surpass the competition.



A KCG Strategy Roadmap™ effectively identifies initiatives to outperform competitors, improve delivery capabilities, cultivate relationships, and achieve success. Ultimately, such a strategy inspires and informs the executive team, empowers staff, and engages external stakeholders.

Organizational Transformation

When organizations are faced with aggressive or simultaneous challenges in the business environment, a traditional strategic plan may not accommodate the scale of change needed to thrive.  KCG’s Transformation Methodology is a proven, tailored approach to making fundamental changes in how business is conducted in order to drive desired strategic, operational and financial outcomes.


KCG focuses on enhancing or adding differentiating capabilities to capture the market share companies can get, focusing on the customers who are most likely to switch, and adding what’s missing from current products or services so KCG’s clients can close the gap.

In order to remain competitive in an increasingly automated environment, organizations are required to champion strategies that drive productivity, efficacy, and value of their operations.  KCG’s expert consultants partner with executives across industries to reengineer structure, function and processes, so as to drive growth, increase margin, and set the foundation for continuous improvement.


Organizations in distress face a distinct set of challenges where time is of the essence. KCG identifies the financial, operational, and organizational elements affecting performance and partners with leadership to drive rapid and sustained improvement.


Deal-making is hard, but integration is even harder. If you’re not careful it can drag on for months after the transaction closes. Capturing the value of the deal is a balancing act that requires close attention to management, employees, customers, and shareholders.


Improving margins involves more than just reducing expenses. KCG’s consultants leverage outputs of workflow analysis to increase efficiency, utilization, and productivity, breaking down operational barriers and driving quality outcomes through the alignment of people, processes, and technology.

If money is the lifeblood of a business, the finance function is the nerve center. The most effective finance teams understand that they become a value-added business partner to both internal and external stakeholders only by providing actionable insight into business performance.

KCG consultants empower finance leaders to capitalize on growth opportunities by implementing strategies to optimize the finance structure, its process, people, and technologies.


KCG’s global perspective on the finance function is centered on the concept that finance is a strategic partner to the rest of its organization. We help clients reduce process complexity and create an integrated approach to finance that delivers efficient, valuable services to all stakeholders.


When the vision is to transition finance’s role to be a strategic business partner within an organization, it is imperative that the function’s structure be designed to support that goal. KCG helps clients align skills and competencies with the organization’s strategy and structure to drive that evolution.


Ultimately, leadership leans on finance to provide critical input to all major decisions. KCG helps finance teams to align planning, budgeting, reporting, and analytics processes and systems to provide business insights that drive better strategic and operational decision making capabilities.

KCG partners with executives to cultivate transformational capabilities, working side-by-side with leadership groups to drive accountability, ensure transparency, and hardwire a culture of excellence. Whether you’re a veteran group looking to manage a complex change or a team of emerging leaders with gaps in important roles, KCG’s experienced executives and broad senior advisory group have the tools to help maximize potential.


When a critical leadership gap emerges, many organizations will make a hasty move to fill the void, often with mixed results. KCG’s executive consultants and interim leaders maintain organizational stability, drive needed change, and ultimately help recruit the ideal new leader.


Successful executives aren’t born with the skills to lead – they hone them over time through discipline, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. KCG assists executives to push past their blind spots to grow business lines, improve communication, increase clarity and confidence, and succeed as leaders.


KCG recognizes that labor is the single most important component of any business, and that a strong workforce strategy sets the foundation for strong performance. Our consultants work with leaders to reimagine talent management in ways that increase employee satisfaction, operational excellence and overall organization performance. Strong workforce strategies also include consideration for succession planning in all key functional and leadership areas, a critical concept that is often overlooked.